Archive for November, 2016


Thursday, November 24th, 2016

Recently I returned to find a book by Louise there are the power is within it, the truth is that it is a highly recommended book, especially when you’re going through bad times in your life. In the book there are tells of her life and things like the fact of getting change habits, beliefs, ways of speaking and thinking have changed you life completely. Be a girl abused by her parents, that they even abused, has managed to be a great Communicator, helping thousands of people with his teachings, beating even a breast cancer and is today one of the most recognized writers of self-help that they exist, so your experience shows us many things. I read his book years ago and it excited me but sometimes circumstances and our own habits lead us to keep us anchored in the way we have always done, without realizing that is not correct since we don’t feel happy in our day to day and by situations that touch us to live. Louise there are and many others talk about a very important thing, wanting to be to oneself. This does not mean afford a day buy clothes or eat a cupcake, it means accept yourself for what you are, nurture yourself for everything you do and you feel good with yourself. This is usually more difficult, often because we already have been scheduled from our childhood thanks to this society, where not valued in many occasions children, with their small problems in front of the major concerns of adults.

Is not recognized his worth and we don’t realize that everything what they are watching and learning they do so through our actions, and what they see and experience are steep and accept and are forming their beliefs: discussions of parents, work-related stress, divorces, the screams, concerns, fears, laughterhappiness, care, sweet words, love, affection, all created their own image and then grow. It is usually quite difficult believing in oneself if nobody has taught you to do so. Sometimes intimate with more able people, you realize that in the life of the most people there are problems within the family nucleus, a father or abusive mother, lack of affection and respect, parents with emotional problems, etc. There are a few cases where tell you that his childhood has been wonderful. Then I guess it is normal that when these children become parents not know most teach what they had, following the same patterns. But there are people who for some reason decided to cut those patterns, then discover books as the power is inside it, and realizes that one can deprogram, can eliminate the beliefs of his childhood and leave them behind, can become another person, can even get feel better, be accepted, wanting to and if one wants to likewise then is shown who will know to love others, but work first lies in achieving that goal, wanting to if same. Would it not be good to start to break these chains? Think about it! Get that goal, and begin to change your life today.

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