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An eBook reader or digital reader is a device whose main function is to visualize electronic books. Its design emulates the traditional paper book, so it offers mobility, autonomy and high contrast. In general, any device with a screen and memory can play eBooks, such as computers, laptops, PDAs or tablet, but without the advantages of the technology of e-ink eBook reader, that offers effect paper, high contrast and low power consumption. Readers and electronic books strictly speaking eBook (also called e-book, e-book, e-book or ebook) is the digital version of a book, and eReader (also called e-reader, eBook reader, eBook reader, reader, digital book reader or digital reader) is the device that reproduces the content of the eBook. However, it is common to use the term eBook to refer both to the book and to the player. History of the readers of e-books after the first generation of electronic books fails, electronic book readers have evolved dramatically since Amazon launched the Kindle 2 eBook reader, whose popularity has led to numerous manufacturers have launched their models to the market in 2009.

The arrival of electronic ink technology electronic ink was key for the eBook received the final impetus, since resolved two serious problems of electronic book readers: reading comfort and autonomy. Basically, an electronic ink display works by a few areas with a black part and other white, showing one face or another depending on the current applied, thus generating the image and tonality. With electronic ink, view gets less tired by the lack of backlighting, gets high contrast and autonomy is very high, about 10,000 pages per charge, given that once rendered the image in the spheres eBook reader does not require energy, only consume when you change page. The disadvantages of electronic ink are slow to load a new page, the absence of color (the current panels are in black and white) and that needs light to read because they have no backlight. EBook formats there are many formats of electronic, free books and owners, with and without DRM, generic and native, so we will have to verify the supported formats prior to purchasing an eBook reader. Copyright in the electronic books some publishers, in its claim to protect against the possible loss of revenue by the copyright of their works, have jointly developed with technology companies such as Adobe and Microsoft, security systems called DRM (Digital Rights Management, digital rights management) intended to restrict the user’s freedom to choose the eBook reader or the date of reading, and can even delete already purchased books. Other publishers on the other hand, offer your eBooks without DRM, respecting the wishes and rights of the readers. In the practice, all the DRM systems implemented in the digital world have been defeated or circumvented by users.

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