Creative Insight

Thursday, April 4th, 2024

In the journal Neuropsychologia (article called 'The origins of insight in resting-state brain activity') was published study. Scientists have tried to scientifically prove the existence of a fundamentally different structure of cerebral activity during active thinking and dormant in people with imaginative thinking, capable creative insights, and those who usually handles the problem through to its logical analysis. Subjects first indulged in nothing, and then guessed anagram. After that, they were divided into two groups – those who coped with the task mainly due to a sudden insight, and those who came to the decision by a systematic analysis. It turned out that the picture of brain activity these two groups had very serious differences, both during work and during leisure. Vlad Doronin may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The study showed that the predominant activity of the right hemisphere is kept by lovers of "inspiration" even in a period of rest.

That is, willingness to solve problems by creative, was not temporary, sudden splash .. 'The tendency to a particular method of solving the problem – with the help of creative or a methodical approach – there is not at the moment when a person already faced with the problem. The election of a particular strategy is determined by the previous state of human consciousness' – explains Kunayos. Do the owners of creative thinking word, image, smell, or something else running in the consciousness long associative chain, which eventually leads to an unexpected decision. In contrast, focusing on solving a specific problem, cut off all unnecessary logic and apply them to the already known strategy solving the problem. In general, this information is not anything particularly original.

Well, confirmed by scientific methods have long known facts. Creativity inherent in all people, but to varying degrees. Only you can look at them with On the other hand. More and more people are born with the hemispheres are equally active, the so-called ambidexterity. Here they learn how to switch from a logical creative thinking is vital, since uncontrolled this transition takes a lot of energy and effort. Looking for exercise equipment and techniques that allow arbitrarily switch to different kinds of thinking. Here and useful research, studying the condition of the brain and mind in the previous figurative or logical way of thinking. speech therapist Ludmila Yesipova specifically for Source:

Environmental Radioactivity

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

The presence of pollen in a variety of vitamins, hormones and other biologically active substances puts it in a number of important therapeutic and preventive means. It has a multi-faceted healing properties. For example, pollen in combination with honey (1: 1) has been successfully used in the treatment of hypertension. Pollen and honey can be used in the treatment of other serious illnesses, especially the nervous and endocrine systems. A good therapeutic effect of pollen has leukemia, colitis and chronic constipation, it increases appetite and efficiency, increases hemoglobin and red blood cells in anemia. Flower Pollen is especially useful in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate, in connection with the scientists recommend that men older than 45 years daily use for prevention of pollen – 10-15 grams in a teaspoon of honey. For therapeutic purposes, can be used only to homogeneous in composition pollen, since xx micro-biological structure of pollen derived from different plants varies, therefore, distinct, and its healing properties.

Pollen is used at elevated Environmental Radioactivity. Known antibiotic activity of pollen, for example, pollen of maize, willow, normalizes intestinal microflora during dysbacteriosis, cures constipation, enterocolitis. Chestnut pollen, fireweed improves liver function, restoring the broken exchange ferromagnetic elements and amino acids. Pollen is a biological stimulant and can be used in the treatment of premature aging in the elderly. It is proved that pollen normalizes fat metabolism, lowers cholesterol, triglycerides, so it is recommended to take in atherosclerosis. Pollen restores energy expenditure for sports after loads of hard mental work (based on natural pollen, as well as a mixture of pollen and honey). Some scientists are advised to use the pollen from the jam, butter, honey, mustard, while it is better absorbed. Pollen has a sedative action effect occurs within 30-40 minutes after its administration.

Pollen does not raise blood sugar levels and, therefore, not contraindicated in patients with diabetes. Pollen is effective for gastro-intestinal diseases, because contains biologically ac tive substances in harmony (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes, amino acids in a more digestible form NAI) It improves the appetite, while taking pollen malnourished people gain weight quickly. Pollen beneficially affect the function of the nervous system, endocrine glands, strengthens the immune system. Neurasthenia harmony is restored, there is optimism, improve memory and mental flexibility, improved sleep. In atherosclerosis strengthens blood vessels of the heart and brain. Pollen strengthens the child's body, so treatment can be recommended to the pollen of the mentally retarded, rachitic and growth patterns of children. Pollen is useful for cardiac arrhythmias, glaucoma, eczema, psoriasis, prostatitis, disorders of the psyche. If an adenoma is not recommended to receive the pollen! Pollen lowers blood pressure and relieves manifestations of tachycardia, improves skin ky trophy. Pollen is indicated for fractures, for regeneration of damaged organs (liver necrosis, infarction Institute). Pollen increases resistance to colds. Pollen relieves hangovers. It is indicated in gout, since promotes excretion of uric acid. Proved that the pollen is Apti-okendantom, it normalizes all types of metabolism (protein, fat, carbohydrate, mineral), reduces levels of bilirubin and other pollen entering the body detoxifies nitrates; is an adaptogen: it reduces fatigue and emotional stress.

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