Capitalist Optics

The discussion initiated in this article, is pautada in a economic vision of the globalization process, valley to point out that we do not isolate the effect of the globalization as being only of economic matrix, but looks for to analyze this process in this optics, understanding that it would be important for understanding of the subject as a whole the agreement of this in the economic structure. We are enfadados to only visualize the globalization process as factor modifier of the cultural structure, what it would not be the bedding of the modifications, in the vision of this article, we want to evidence that the bedding of the changes is it in any scope begins comes it of economic changes. So that the text became of easy understanding tries to break of the definition of the term globalization, analyzing you vary them sources of definitions on the term; after that we try to identify the beginning of the globalization; finally we visualize the effect of the globalization in the economic sphere on performance of the regional blocks. 3.Definindo Globalization Ahead of as many definitions created until the current days on globalization, what it only becomes complex more to try definiz it one more time, it is I begin what it we will go to make at this moment. As already we perceive to define the term globalization is not so easy, but we will try to breach with some paradigms, is logical searching basing in them on some theoreticians of the subject. Demtrio Magnoli defines globalization in such a way: ‘ ‘ Globalization is the process for which the economy-world is identified with the world-wide economy. Or, said in another way, it is the process for which the world-wide space acquires unidade.’ ‘ (MAGNOLI, 2004, P. 11). Well, as we can see the conception of Magnoli on globalization is purely economic, what I constituted a serious problem in the description-geographic scope, to limit globalization as a simple economic factor, it is to forget or to make to forget its effect cultural, or as some they call cultural invasion..


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