Max Jacob

And this repetition is the fact that the poem is to say, poetically, ie as the relieving of Art, is nothing more than what it is. The poem gives us his own law. If I say: "A Paris, on a gray horse to Nevers" on a horse …? … Green ", it being understood! They have not had the option Max Jacob That is what we call "inspiration." See how simple it is: "A Paris …" In short, they can conceptualize, henceforth, in the poem to the linguistic structure is taken by the object. It's what makes the importance of prosody (metrics, verse, melody, rhythm, etc.).. You can not stop talking about the "finality without end", the "useful or pleasant", the "purgation of the passions", and all the devil and his train. I say art is formal. Of course it is the formalism, as in which the language is taken by the subject, he says no! And the same goes for music.

I'm going to tell a true story drawn from the life of Bach. One night I was playing a Bach sonata in the living room of a German baroness as there are many. When he finished: "There it is, dear Baroness what he meant." It is in the same way, extremely interesting! That simply means that music, like poetry, operating in closed circuit, and can not "translate" anything, as we say, you can not "reflect" nothing more than itself. His project is "My purpose, my beginning." It is, if you want to see well, the snake biting its tail.


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