Otago Science

Well, what do all these discoveries? Many scientists believe that growing evidence that the 'fingerprints of the Creator' were the focus of science. Et al. Robert Jastrow is an astronaut and a theoretical physicist. Jastrow helped establish the scientific objectives for lunar exploration, during the landing on her Apolo. He founded and organized the work of the Institute Gaddard at NASA, specializing in space research, and conduct scientific work in the field of astronomy and planetary science. Jastrow wrote the following lines, which summarizes the views of many scientists: "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the virtue of reason, the story ends as nightmare. He has obluschennye mountains of ignorance; it seeks to conquer the highest peak, and at that moment, when he dragged himself to the last summit, it welcomes the team of theologians who have been there for the whole century. " Many scholars think that they see the undeniable relationship between the Christian vision of God, and new discoveries related to our universe.

And to the surprise of many scientists and agnostics have begun to do applications are compatible with the Christian view of creation. Recent research scientist agnostic Michel Denton in the field of molecular human genetics at the University of Otago in New Zealand, say that evidence that the universe exists for humanity, is more compelling today than ever before in the history of modern science. No other theory or concept invented by man, can not match the courage and audacity of its great claims … that all the star systems, and every form of life, and each feature a reality for mankind … And today, four centuries after the scientific revolution doctrine is again significant. In the last decade of the twentieth century, it increases the probability of discoveries in several branches of fundamental science.

But the more ossified materialists still hold firmly by the belief that we are a mere 'cosmic coincidence. " They have always been successful to avoid the debate audience on these new scientific discoveries. On the other hand, a growing number of scientists admit evidence of intelligent creation, which goes beyond all laws of science, and the fact that the universe is perfectly tuned mechanism. They are willing to risk their reputation for open debate, with clean hands, allowing the obviousness speak for themselves. By the way, the motto of these scholars with an open mind, is: 'Follow the obvious facts wherever they lead "And it's true that all true science is, what would let the facts speak for themselves. Reasonable creature – fingerprints Creator

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