Simple Daughter

"It's very likely that your daughter change her mind about you when you explain how sorry he is with his past attitude," he said with soft words, trying to make you feel that things can be different from the way one imagines in advance while ending to inject the sedative. – All human beings make mistakes. All, and unfortunately every day. You made a mistake by not understanding your child, just for the simple fact of being someone else. And as such, can think and feel as such, otherwise. But I'm sure her daughter, the excuse.

Now, I advise you to lie down and rest. In the morning, but nothing terrible happened to you change, you'll be wanting to try to talk to him and make him feel his repentance. Try to put your mind blank until the medicine work .- Ruth soon fell asleep. The next morning when he awoke after feeling that their eyes filled with tears at the memory, tried to stop crying uncontrollably. He had enough experience with grief and knew they consoled and that by contrast, started, and there was no way to stop it, becoming more intense, causing thus a more sharp and deep pain. He sat out of bed with difficulty. He felt slightly dizzy, probably for the last remnants of the sedative effect. When he felt he could be firmly stand, walked to the door. I wanted to find out which room was his daughter. I feared that I would not receive it, but felt I had to try to contact her as soon as possible.


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