The Couple

They were there well in front of me, seated next to a table of the square of feeding in the garden of that hospital-maternity. Young, pretty Casalzinho, visibly pregnant it, with pretty barriguinha already of one eight months, feet a little swelled, face slightly spotted and entumecidos lips, things of pregnancy. Both had appearance of people of middle class. They did not eat nor drank nothing. On the small table it was a great white envelope with timbre of some medical laboratory, certainly I contend examinations.

The two argued in voice low but heatedly and it, very exaltada, at time in when she put ahead of the face of it a finger in laughed as she threatened if it, almost leaning in the nose, from which it moved away and deviated the face. They were very angry. An employee of the hospital if approaches with a paper and the delivery it, little looks at who it with airs of case she inside puts and it of the white envelope. It not of to the fact the no attention, the employee goes even so and the quarrel recommences, in voice always low but giving to perceive that the climate enters the two were pssimo. It smoked and played smoke pra all side, little if sandpapering for the delicate state of the woman. At no moment it looked at for the face of it, what it gave to perceive itself that annoyed it very to the fact, therefore constantly tried to find the look of it and she almost leaned its face in the face of it so that he faced it, but it immediately turned over for the other side. I perceived air of disdain of youngster in rare moments where it raised the sight, when it looked at of soslaio for the woman and sketched a sarcastic smile, and I also perceived the raging skill with that it looked at also it.


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