John Dewey

The historical image is the product of the imagination of the historian, and the necessary character of this image this on a priori existence of the imagination. Thus workmanship of the historian to differentiate of the romancista workmanship only in the measure where the image created for the historian is considered as true. In the Thirties and forty that the presentismo knew in the United States, its bigger development; this development that Robinson had promised one to it ' ' history nova' '. The importance of the American presentismo if over all relates with the fact to have been developed mainly for eminent historians as Charles. the Beard.

It is not treated, therefore of philosophical speculations in the sort of that Croce and Collingwood practised, but of the point of view elaborated for historians in direct relation with its inquiries. The American presentismo comes directly from Croce whose ideas had been implanted in the United States, for a philosopher of the influence of John Dewey, therefore it has an undisputed kinship of ideas between the presentismo of one and the pragmatismo of another one. Dewey relative judgments and things that we can observe in the gift (documents, monuments and etc.) are based only on in judges who are the one result election operated in function of definite necessities. They are thus relative in relation to the problems and at the same time, it is always the product of a definite gift. History this thus always in relation with a definite gift that supplies the principles of the election and assumes the responsibility of the facts of the past. From there the conclusion, each gift has its past, each gift rewrites history.

However Schaff considers our essentially negative judgment; all the appreciation demands a reference system and alone it can be made from chosen oppositions. If to reject the presentismo, although to approve the orientation of its criticizes directed against the positivismo, making from determined philosophical positions, because what we reject, is necessarily the philosophical bedding of this doctrine. In first place, Schaff denies falling again on the idealismo, necessarily, on the subjective one of the doctrine of the presentismo. To the scale sewing press the historical process the objective which Schaff that to relate ours knowledge and the objective truth, fulminadas in the damaged ways of the subjetivismo; the classic definition of the truth loses in all this adventure its citizenship and its reason of being. For the marxist, the positivismo, as well as the presentismo, is unacceptable in the same way, but each one for you defend different for them, the question is not to know which of these two positions is errnea or next to its proper points of view; both it are equally strange, exactly if it can approve the advanced critical arguments for one against the other. The presentismo is placed, therefore in subjective positions, even so underlining, with reason the social conditioning of the citizen that knows. Not contradictory the theoretical problem that consists of only catching in one current theoretician and the thesis on considered history as an objective process who if produced in the past and that we study, the thesis on the faced knowledge not as a contemplation, but as an objective and active process. At last, controversies between the presentismo and the positivismo had clarified a little these problems, supplying to us it its contribution theoretician-historical. But these same questions constitute the objective of studies equally and inquiries in you considerably discipline scientific that, although indirectly, you influence, our Metaphysical reflection.


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