Magical Potion

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

Like using attraction law to attract money. Without a doubt this she is one of the most frequent questions of the people, how to declare? , how to apply the attraction law to attract more material money or things a car, a comfortable house. Etc. But also I have read many commentaries about the fact that sounds too much materialistic, because ours mind was educated with this belief, that divine high, spiritual superior and does not go in agreement with the material money, nor goods And in fact this is one of the majors obstacles that exist to declare abundance and the wealth our lives. One of the strong criticisms but that the film received the Secret, is that this very focused in the material, nevertheless the important thing is to take a sensible life, I agree that we are spiritual beings, but also we are spiritual beings undergoing a physical life, therefore we have desires and physical needs that we cannot deny it. The ideal is to live in a balanced fashion in all the aspects of our intellectual, as much emotional life and spiritually.

It is idea that the spiritual is equal to poverty, generates a deficiency mentality that includes all the aspects of your life, but in this occasion I will speak specifically on the money. Surely if you analyzed a little your acts, your means, your thoughts and emotions are connected and in syntony with that. You see the news that continue reaffirming that mentality, your talks will be full complaints, preoccupations are focused in escases, the face that this the life, in difficult that this the situation, you complain raised the transport to you, of which unjust he is the government. And you very possibly have ideas like for example: the money does not grow in the trees, you think that I am bank? , the rich ones are bad and unjust and without I number of phrases that surely they will come to your mind remembering what ramos children said to us since.

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