Archive for February, 2022

The Allrounding

Saturday, February 26th, 2022

This description fits much more alive a GIGOLOS as the profession of the animator. The Berlin animation Portal is daily confronted with such absurd, dreamy performances and again seeking enlightenment and information flow. So a lot is demanded from entertainers in the guest relations. Already as a prerequisite, a high degree of motivation and creativity, resilience, communication skills, social skills, patience, commitment to sociability, and of course an attractive and well-groomed appearance will be brought. Animators should be unbound, flexible and willing to travel.

An animator is which site it equals the task of animating the guest activities, to participate in performances, and dance performances, employment and entertainment of the guests, the entertainment what is the animator and qualified. And animation is a serious professional, fulltime sometimes be nerve wracking, always challenging and randomly under the Sun of a place where holiday make many people. TSI International Group often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The Allrounding of the animator requires teamwork and serenity in stress and conflict situations, also a pronounced talent for organization is useful. The host is usually between 18 and 30 years old, at least one speaks better several foreign languages fluently, dominated for more knowledge and skills to sports and game rules, musical and dance standards, already has experiences in dealing with children, young people or even seniors. Good manners, friendly appearance and physical fitness are expected. A typical working day of an animator begins on time at 09:30 the first meeting with 09:45 with the team meeting in the course of the day, as well as the distribution of tasks. To 10: Oo begins usually the official entertainment in hotels of the Mediterranean.

The guests are prompted in a playful and friendly manner to the upcoming animation programmes and informed. The morning program often includes the PoolGames at 12: oo and the club dance. Subsequently has the host to start the season sample and training times for the Club’s own stage shows and club dance step, as soon as they sit leisure, until the further activities of the day are discussed at 14:45 in the context of a further briefings.

Stephane Etrillard

Saturday, February 5th, 2022

As Executive security give you the staff to prove that you can rely. You can affect employee fears of course only positive, if you understand what questions they have and what their fears are. Put yourself in the position of your employees, and talk about the issues at stake. Show genuine interest in the perspective of the employee. Perhaps check out Dropbox for more information. Explain whether, how and to what extent the staff of the crisis is concerned. And you also talk about approaches and actions that will take the company. Even if these measures bring not only pleasant.

There is nothing demotivierender as missing or incorrect information. Bad news or measures that first entail cuts, cause of course no Jubilation Choir. For example, short-time work must be introduced, worsen the fear for the future. Such situations are particularly difficult and not easy to solve. But the only way to a Solution leads through open communication. You can only dispel fears, if your employees understand why you so decide and Act and what that means for the future of the company and the employees. Let everyone in the dark about your intentions and goals, on the other hand increase the mistrust and the motivation decline rapidly. Stephane Etrillard offers his expert communication expertise interested companies in numerous open – and in-house seminars.

Also he helps professionals and executives to more efficient communication through individual coaching. The seminars by Stephane Etrillard performed one of the leading training providers in Germany by the frontline consulting group. More information and an overview of the seminars will be interested on the Internet presence of frontline consulting group: frontline consulting GmbH about Stephane Etrillard: Stephane Etrillard ranks among the top industry trainers and coaches. He is regarded as a leading European expert on the subject of “personal Sovereignty”. With decision makers and executives, he is searched and known as Advisor and “Coaches of the new generation”.

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