Archive for April, 2018

The Heuristical

Sunday, April 29th, 2018

However it is difficult not to find in an entrepreneur of small company some characteristic of an entrepreneur. According to Carland (Caland, 1992) what it varies is the degree of the trend entrepreneur of the individual. According to 3 9241 ISO, usability measure the efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction with which using they can reach specific objectives in a particular environment. The system must disponibilizar the experienced users the operations of shortcut as: abbreviations, soft keys, double click in mouse, clear language and without codes to inform errors and to help the user to understand the problem. Alterations for a good Usability: To accurately present the information that the necessary user at the moment, nor more nor less;? The terminology of being based on the language of the user and not being guided to the system;? The system must show the dialogue elements and allow that the user makes its choices, without necessity to remember to a command a specific one;? A command or action must always have the same effect;? The same operation must be presented in the same localization;? The system must continuously inform the user on what it is making.

2.1. Heuristical of Jakob Nielsen Considered ‘ ‘ father of usabilidade’ ‘ , Jakob Nielsen divides the usability in five basic criteria: the intuitividade, the efficiency, the memorization, the error and the satisfaction. The Heuristical ones of Nielsen (Jakob Nielsen, scientist of the computation with Ph.D in man-machine interaction) describe properties that must occur in a Web system of high usability. Visibility of the state of the system? Compatibility of the system with the real world? Control and freedom of the user? Consistency and standards? Prevention of errors? Recognition instead of souvenir? Flexibility and efficiency of use? Aesthetic and design minimalista?

Law Of Attraction

Friday, April 27th, 2018

What is the law of attraction? It is one of the main universal laws, governs the order at all times of our lives in a way conscious or unconscious, no matter who you are, or in that part of the world you are, this Act always works in every moment of our lives and all the things that happen you and models the creation of our life, through our thoughts. Charles Haanel tells us in his book the law of attraction is the largest and most foolproof law of which depends on the entire system. But do referred to in this law, with thing to create our life through thoughts?, simply what you think is what you attract into your life, stop a moment and thinks do in that focuses your mind now, joy or sadness?, wealth or poverty?? Serenity or chaos? You can quickly do a tour of your reality, how you live?, do you have?, what and who you are? and insurance can give you counts, that you explain what the law of attraction apply to what your you live at this moment, and it is the result of your thoughts and therefore you are creating and what you will manifest in your life constantly. Your are solely responsible for what’s wrong in your life currently, but will many person will say, how I become responsible for being poor or sick?, and if you’re not there nobody more responsible than you, this does not mean that you’ve attracted it consciously, simply the law of attraction works you know it or not, the difference is to know to implement it properly for our benefit. In reality the universe or God as you wish to call you do not understand thoughts, understand the vibration we issue emotionally with our thoughts. For example, if all time is your mind focused on the scarcity, be it money, happiness, love, your emotions transmitted energy so that you attract more than that to your life.

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