Moscow University

Saturday, February 8th, 2014

Pouring a glass of wine a child at the holiday table, many argue as follows: "The wine is not vodka, sweet reason for the company not to drink? That is because and communion in the church cahors wine that is wrong? ". Yet few parents realize that children can not only participate in drunken feast, but even just to be his witnesses. Children's sensibility and powers of observation, as the tendency to imitate, not to be underestimated. On the eve of a holiday home in a good mood prevails, all animated, are chores around the house. Sit at the banquet table dressed adults. They laugh, joke, and many lively talk, clink glasses, beautiful.

The child picks up from an early age a strong relationship between drinking and merriment. Psychologists at Moscow University offered kindergarten play in the "adult" birthday party, wedding, even on holidays. Children accurately reproduce the external picture of the corresponding event, simulating Ciocanu glasses, drinking wine, drinking songs, kissing the wrong pace. The experiment was conducted in the different groups in different kindergartens, and everywhere the result was the same: it clearly showed that the children's consciousness of alcohol – an obligatory attribute of adult life, a companion of fun. This is the pre- setting determines the commitment as soon as possible to know the taste of wine. Here is an example of school practice. Teacher of one of Riga's schools interested in how big the awareness of students in the field of alcoholic beverages. It turned out that the boys knew the names of nearly 100 brands of wine, girls – half the size. Began to specify the age at which initiation occurred for alcohol, and received a disturbing picture: a 10-graders, it was started in 13-14 years, 8-graders of 7-8 years, and the students of 4th grade know his taste, when they were 4-5 years. And first tried it in the family circle.

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