Pascal Programming Language

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

The programming language Pascal was designed in the late 60s – early 70s of last century. Currently, the language remains popular due to the fact that the spread in schools. In principle, it was originally and positioned: as a language for teaching programming. In this case some time Pascal was used for major developments (80 years). Apparently this time he still was not enough competition among programming languages. In other words, we must pay tribute to: Pascal – a good programming language, despite the fact that a number of restrictions imposed mainly to simplify it and use as a teaching language programming. Dove Home Object Pascal (which is used in an environment Delphi), Pascal left the practice of programming.

Time to leave him out of school and give way to another, more adapted for training purposes, a programming language? Let's think. First, the teaching methods developed much slower than say the same information technologies. If Pascal is no longer meets the needs of today's developers and users of computers, the teachers usually do not see needs to change its orientation. The second and very important reason – the large number of textbooks, books, teaching materials and websites for Pascal. It would not have argued the importance of the fans of C language and its advantages of simple and accessible teaching materials for primary care very little for this programming language. And does it matter what your language first? The first language should be taught correctly to think, to understand the algorithms principles, and ideology.

On the other hand, a good programmer should know far more than one language. So conclusion is that choice should be well-documented language. Another reason that may hinder care Pascal of educational institutions – is the lack of a new language for teaching programming. Logo and talk about Idol is hardly worth it. The first – for junior and middle managers, and the second is not completely practical significance. And if first it makes sense for the development of logical and algorithmic thinking students, the second is more for teenagers, who are already required to maintain the practice of real interest, not abstract concepts. Will there be a worthy rival to the Pascal school in the future, time will tell, as long as we continue to learn programming and algorithms, using the programming language Pascal.

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