Social and Ecological Changes

Sunday, May 5th, 2019

In accord with the CONAMA, RABBIT (2006) it defines ambient impact as the process of social and ecological changes caused by disturbances (a new occupation and/or constructions of a new object: a plant, a road or an industry) in the environment. Ambient impact still says respect, to the joint evolution of the social and ecological conditions stimulated by the impulses of the relations between external and internal forces to the space and ecological, historical unit or socially determined. Ambient impacts spread by different spaces exist, but a place exists where its proliferation occurs more of accented and more perceivable form, that is in the urban systems. Inside of these systems, the busy spaces for the productive activities and for individuals go to be distinct, varying as some factors. The main factor that will determine the espacialidade and the place where the individual will go to occupy is the society of classrooms. From then on, we conclude that the ambient impacts do not go to be uniforms, go to vary as the intent social classroom in the impactado physical space.

Thus, we conclude that in the spaces of population less favored the intensity of the ambient impacts they go to be bigger. On the subject RABBIT (2006: 27) synthecize: ' ' The ambient problems (ecological) do not reach the urban space equally all. Physical spaces of occupation of the favored social classrooms of what reach much more them less of the raised classrooms more. The space distribution of the first ones is associated the depreciation of the space, wants for the proximity of the stream beds of flooding of the rivers, the industries, of thermonuclear plants, wants for the insalubridade ' ' The urban ambient impacts are in its majority resultant of processes as reductions of the vegetal covering, waterproofing of the ground and assoreamento of the fluvial basins. These facts cause the reduction of the potential of water infiltration of rains in the ground urban, that overload the draining nets and that they finish not giving outflow, for already being obstructed for occupations human beings.

Monthly Precipitation

Wednesday, May 1st, 2019

Jairo AugustoNogueira Pine Meteorology – UFPa Summary emestudos the climatic attributes have received special attention from areas of applied sciences, therefore they influence of direct form eindireta the behavior of the life in the land. Amongst the diverse variveisclimticas it meets pluviomtrica precipitation that is one of the principaisvariveis used in urban, agricultural and ambient projects and had suaimportncia, this climatic attribute is object of diverse studies cientficosque aims at to characterize its behavior. The objective of this work was to contribute with the sobreo study behavior of the monthly pluviomtrica precipitation in the city deUberlndia-MG. They had been used given of referring monthly precipitation aoperodode 1981-2000. Introduction One of the great concerns of the scientific community, naltima decade, says respect to the climatic alterations and its consequences paraa humanity. Rain is one of the diretamenterelacionados climatic elements more to agricultural production, which had to its random character, increasing, in consequence, the risks in the programming of the activities of the agricultural sector (MELO JNIOR et al, 2006). The pluviomtrica precipitation has great importance nacaracterizao of the climate of a region, intervening with the alternations derendimento of the cultures and with civil construction (VIEIRA et al., 1994; IT HISSES etal., 2003).

According to BOTELHO AND MORAL (1999), the knowledge docomportamento of precipitations can supply subsidy to determine predominant perodoscrticos in the region, being had itself conditions to supply informaesque aims at to reduce the consequences caused for the rain fluctuations esecas. This work aimed at to contribute with the study on comportamentoda monthly pluviomtrica precipitation in the city of Uberlndia-MG. Material and Methods This study were carried through from the registers monthly pluviomtricas deprecipitaes (mm) gotten in the Laboratory deClimatologia MG meets in the latitude of 1855′ 25′ ‘ S, longitude of 48 17′ 19’ ‘ W. According to international classification deKppen, the climate of the region is of the Aw type, that is, tropical hot humid cominverno cold and dry. The monthly total pluviomtrica precipitation series, used in the present study, is proceeding from histricoscorrespondentes registers to the years of 1981 the 2000, totalizing 20 years.

The EstaoClimatolgica de Uberlndia is part of the net of climatolgicas stations of the InstitutoNacional de Meteorologia (INMET), of 5 District of Meteorology (5 DISME), on agency to the Ministry of Agriculture. The city of Uberlndia bes situated in the Mining Triangle, econta with an esteem population of approximately 600,000 inhabitants, consisting in a city polar region for the region. For better understanding of the behavior of the monthly precipitaopluviomtrica they had been elaborated> tables of 2 the 13, obeying intervalode classroom of 50 mm, grouping the 200 the superior classrooms mm. Essesintervalos had been fixed arbitrarily. It makes download of the article to continue reading.

Atlantic Bush

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

* The Fens are located in the mouths of a river of the rivers, areas of estuaries and even in places of water meeting of the sea with the ones of the rivers, in them develop vegetal species that if adaptam to the salinity and hdrica saturation as arbustivos stratus with aerial roots that they give sustentation to the vegetable and allows to its breath * the Vegetation of Restinga coat the coast and its formation of dunes, possess pereniflias and xeromorfas species (decurrent of maritime breezes, of the intense illumination and salinity), the bredo, maritime canavalia, beach parsley (Figure), liana, rush, aroeira and taboa. Figure: beach parsley Source: FRANCE, Vera Lcia Alves; CROSS, Tereza Maria Souza; SOURCES, Aracy Losano; it t.Atlas pertaining to school Sergipe: space cultural geo-description and. Joo Person, PB: Grafset publishing company, the 2007 * Atlantic Bush that well is devastada shelters high arbreas species that vary enter the 25 30 meters, with wide pantries, great trunks and perennial leves. In Japaratuba (Auto of the Lavradio- Figure 11) and Pirambu it exists vestiges of Atlantic Bush (Figure 09). Figure 10: vestiges of Atlantic Bush (Pirambu)

Figura11: Japaratuba (Auto of the Lavradio) Source: FRANCE, Vera Lcia Alves; CROSS, Tereza Maria Souza; SOURCES, Aracy Losano; it t.Atlas pertaining to school Sergipe: space cultural geo-description and. Joo Person, PB: Grafset publishing company, 2007 *Entre the wasteland and the coast the Open pasture, is formed basically by grassy and vegetal arbustivos of small transport, also present fruitful trees. * The Caatinga hipoxerfila is adapted the periods of inferior drought the seven months, most resistant is of average transport. The most known of the Caatinga hipoxerfila they are: aroeira, barana, jurema, juazeiro, umbu, imburama of I smell, faveiro, pereiro-white, alligator-caatinga, wood-iron, among others. 3 SOCIAL CONDICIONANTES AND THE PROCESS OF USE AND OCCUPATION OF THE TERRITORY OF THE MICROREGION. When Sergipe was conquered (commanded for the Portuguese crown) had the colonial expansion of the Bahia (century XVI and XVII) northward, to extend interchanges it between Recife and Bahia, where constitua the only existing points of povoamento in the north.

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